It is essential that young children learn coping skills for dealing with both positive and negative stress factors in their life.  An effective Journal will provide the outlet children need to express how they feel about situations.

After completing this class, participants will:

  • Discuss ways to support children during separation anxiety and through transitions to new environments or groups.
  • Identify ways to talk that support meaningful, open-ended conversations, individually and as members of groups. 
  • Identify ways to engage children in literacy activities, such as reading and writing.
  • List examples of individual expression and creativity.

Download and print your handout for this course.
You will have up to 90 days to complete this training session with a passing grade of 75.
Please complete all the assignments for this training session. The course will be graded within 7-10 business days of completing the final assignment. You will be able to download and print your certificate when this course is passed.
Thank you for choosing the Well Able Training Service to meet your training needs.


Author admin

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