It is inevitable that at some point and time biting will occur in the toddler or preschool classroom. Join us as we discuss how to communicate and redirect biters and communicate and comfort the bitten. We have not forgotten to help you respond to all parents involved. Let’s manage biting behaviors together.

Upon completion of this educational experience, the learners will:

  • Provide physical activity for each and every child that aligns with recommended best practices in early education programs
  • Implements clear expectations and limits that create safe spaces for children, both physically and emotionally
  • Provides resources to families for necessary early intervention for social and emotional and/or mental health services

Download and print your handout for this course.
You will have up to 90 days to complete this training session with a passing grade of 75.
Please complete all the assignments for this training session. The course will be graded within 7-10 business days of completing the final assignment. You will be able to download and print your certificate when this course is passed.
Thank you for choosing the Well Able Training Service to meet your training needs.


Author admin

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